Born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, I grew up on a tobacco farm in a mostly Mennonite community whose values of peace, social justice, and equal rights still underlie my work. In recent decades, my writing and other projects have focused locally on the agricultural pollution of streams in southeast Michigan, the headwaters of Lake Erie; and more broadly on environmental ethics, climate change, and the global risks to ecosystems, now that a habitable planet, for innumerable species including us, is at stake.
I live near Hudson, Michigan and have worked with writing, hybrid media, farming, teaching, environmental activism. I farmed hay for a dozen years before restoring wetlands on the farm and putting the land in a conservation easement. Most of the acreage – the grasslands, wetlands, woods, and stream – were transferred in 2019 to ACRES Land Trust as a sanctuary for ecological study, walking, and permanent protection as a natural area.
Contact: [email protected]